What is Unique Hotel?

  • The Juniper Booking Engine's module Unique Hotel, allows you to offer Hotel results without duplicates and prioritize them by price or supplier.

  • Unique Hotel has the objective of uniting all accommodation from different suppliers obtaining a Hotel list without duplicates, offering the least expensive price, or the price from a supplier with the highest priority.

  • With Unique Hotel you will obtain an extensive worldwide hotel database.

Unique Hotel, módulo motor de reservaciones Juniper

How does it work?

Booking engine module, how it works
  • Automated Supplier product download process.

  • With this process, we obtain a Database with all accommodation from all the suppliers we work with.

  • Juniper Booking Engine will then map the Accommodation from each Supplier against one ID generated internally for each Accommodation, thus creating the unique hotel ID (code JP000000).

  • Juniper Booking Engine carries out the maintenance tasks on these Unique Hotels (creation / update and mapping).

  • During the search process with Unique Hotel ID, the accommodation that does not have a Unique ID associated to it will not appear.

  • With Unique Hotel, the search results will show the accommodation from the best price Supplier (by default), or the accommodation with the highest priority (according to our customer’s configuration).

  • We have different Unique Hotel management processes and unique external mapping:

    • Duplicate Unique Hotel checking utility.
    • External Accommodation mapping checking utility.
    • Accommodation in suppliers not mapped to unique Hotel checking utility.